Configuration — with logging, and with prelogging

We’ll use a simple example to discuss and compare various approaches to logging configuration — using the facilities provided by the logging package, and then using prelogging.

Logging configuration requirements — example

Suppose we want the following configuration:

Configuration requirements

Messages should be logged to both stderr and a file. Only messages with loglevel INFO or higher should appear on-screen, but all messages should be logged to the file. Messages to stderr should consist of just the message, but messages written to the file should also contain the logger name and the message’s loglevel.

The logfile contents should persist: the file handler should append to the logfile, rather than overwriting it each time the program using these loggers is run.

This suggests two handlers, each with an appropriate formatter — a stderr stream handler with level INFO, and a file handler with level DEBUG or NOTSET. (NOTSET is the default loglevel for handlers. Numerically less than DEBUG, all loglevels are greater than or equal to it.) Both handlers should be attached to the root logger, which should have level DEBUG to allow all messages through. The file handler should be created with mode='a' (for append, not 'w' for overwrite) so that existing logfile contents persist.

Using the example configuration

Once this configuration is established, these logging calls:

import logging
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
# ...
root_logger.debug("1. 0 = 0")"2. Couldn't create new Foo object")
root_logger.debug("3. 0 != 1")
root_logger.warning("4. Foo factory raised IndexError")

should produce the following stderr output:

2. Couldn't create new Foo object
4. Foo factory raised IndexError

and the logfile should contain (something much like) these lines:

root                : DEBUG   : 1. 0 = 0
root                : INFO    : 2. Couldn't create new Foo object
root                : DEBUG   : 3. 0 != 1
root                : WARNING : 4. Foo factory raised IndexError

Meeting the configuration requirements with logging

The logging package offers two approaches to configuration:

  • dynamic, using code;
  • static (and then, there are two variations).

These can be thought of as imperative and declarative, respectively. The following subsections show how each of these approaches can be used to meet the requirements stated above.

Using dynamic configuration

Here’s how to dynamically configure logging to satisfy the given requirements:

import logging
import sys

root = logging.getLogger()

# Create stderr handler,
#   level = INFO, formatter = default i.e. '%(message)s';
# attach it to root
h_stderr = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)

# Create file handler, level = NOTSET (default),
#   filename='blather_dyn_cfg.log', formatter = logger:level:msg, mode = 'a'
# attach it to root
logger_level_msg_fmtr = logging.Formatter('%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s')
h_file = logging.FileHandler(filename='blather_dyn_cfg.log')

We’ve used a number of defaults. It was unnecessary to add:

msg_fmtr = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')

because the same effect is achieved without them. The default mode of a FileHandler is a, which opens the logfile for appending, as per our requirements; thus it wasn’t necessary to pass mode='a' to the FileHandler constructor. (We omitted other arguments to this constructor, e.g. delay, whose default values are suitable.) Similarly, it wasn’t necessary to set the level of the file handler, as the default level NOTSET is just what we want.

Advantages of dynamic configuration

  • Hierarchy of logging entities respected

    Formatters must be created before the handlers that use them; handlers must be created before the loggers to which they’re attached.

    You can configure the entities of logging (formatters, optional filters, handlers, loggers) one by one, in order, starting with those that don’t depend on other entities, and proceeding to those that use entities already defined.

  • Methods of the `logging` API provide reasonable defaults

    With static configuration, certain fussy defaults must be specified explicitly.

  • Error prevention

    For instance, there’s no way to attach things that simply don’t exist.

  • Fine-grained error detection

    If you use a nonexistent keyword argument, for example, the line in which it occurs gives an error; you don’t have to wait until issuing a final dictConfig call to learn that something was amiss.

    Thus it’s easier to debug: each step taken is rather small, and you can fail faster than when configuring from an entire dictionary.

Disadvantages of dynamic configuration

  • Low-level methods, inconsistent API

    The Handler base class takes a keyword argument level; however, its subclass StreamHandler takes a keyword argument stream, but doesn’t recognize level. Thus we couldn’t concisely say:

    h_stderr = logging.StreamHandler(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stderr)

    but had to call h_stderr.setLevel after constructing the handler.

  • In `logging`, only loggers have names; formatters, handlers and filters don’t

    Thus we have to use Python variables to reference the various logging entities which we create and connect. If another part of the program later wanted to access, say, the file handler attached to the root logger, the only way it could do so would be by iterating through the handlers collection of the root and examining the type of each:

    root = logging.getLogger()
    fh = next(h for h in root.handlers if isinstance(h, logging.FileHandler))
  • Somehow it winds up more even verbose than static dictionaries

    The methods are low-level, and many boilerplate passages recur in dynamic configuration code.

Using static configuration

The logging.config submodule offers two equivalent ways to specify configuration statically:

  • with a dictionary meeting various requirements (mandatory and optional keys, and their values), which is passed to logging.config.dictConfig();

  • with a text file written in YAML, meeting analogous requirements, and passed to logging.config.fileConfig().

We’ll call a dictionary that can be passed to dictConfig a logging config dict. The schema for configuration dictionaries documents the format of such dictionaries. (Amusingly, it uses YAML to do so!, to cut down on the clutter of quotation marks. colons and curly braces.)

We’ll deal only with logging config dicts, ignoring the YAML-based approach. The Web frameworks Django and Flask configure logging with dictionaries. (Django can accomodate YAML-based configuration, but its path of least resistance is certainly the dict-based approach.) Dictionaries are native Python; YAML isn’t. YAML may be more readable than dictionary specifications, but prelogging offers another, pure-Python solution to that problem.

Configuring our requirements statically

Here’s how to do so:

import logging
from logging import config

config_dict = {
     'formatters': {'logger_level_msg': {'format': '%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: '
     'handlers': {'h_stderr': {'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
                               'level': 'INFO',
                               'stream': 'ext://sys.stderr'},
                  'h_file': {'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
                             'filename': 'blather_stat_cfg.log',
                             'formatter': 'logger_level_msg'}},
     'root': {'handlers': ['h_stderr', 'h_file'], 'level': 'DEBUG'},
     'version': 1

As with dynamic configuration, most keys have default values, and in the interest of brevity we’ve omitted those that already suit our needs. We didn’t specify a formatter for the stream handler, nor the file handler’s mode or loglevel, and so on.

Advantages of static configuration

  • Logging entities are referenced by name

    You give a name to every logging entity you specify, and then refer to it by that name when attaching it to higher-level entities. (It’s true that after the call to dictConfig, only the names of loggers endure [as per the documentation! but see :ref:`Note <HANDLER_NAMES_TOO>` below]; however, that’s a separate issue — a deficiency of logging, not of static configuration.)

  • It’s arguably more natural to specify configuration in a declarative way, especially for the typical application which will “set it and forget it”.

Disadvantages of static configuration

  • Not very good error detection (none until the dictConfig call)

  • Some boilerplate key/value pairs

  • Lots of noise — a thicket of nested curly braces, quotes, colons, etc.

    Triply-nested dicts are hard to read.

  • Logging config dicts seem complex

    At least on first exposure to static configuration, it’s not easy to comprehend a medium- to large-sized dict of dicts of dicts, in which many values are lists of keys occurring elsewhere in the structure.


As we’ve seen, both approaches to configuration offered by the logging package have virtues, but both have shortcomings:

  • Its API, mostly dedicated to dynamic configuration, is at once complex and limited.

  • With static configuration, no warnings are issued and no error checking occurs until dictConfig (or fileConfig) is called.

  • Of the various kinds of entities that logging constructs, only loggers have (documented) names, which, as seen above, can lead to various conundrums and contortions.

    Said another way, once logging is configured, only the names of Loggers endure. logging retains no associations between the names you used to specify Formatters, Handlers and Filters, and the objects constructed to your specifications; you can’t access those objects by any name.

To this list, we might add the general observation that the entire library is written in thoroughgoing camelCase (except for inconsistencies, such as levelname in format strings).

Configuration with prelogging

prelogging provides a hybrid approach to configuration that offers the best of both the static and dynamic worlds. The package provides a simple but powerful API for building a logging config dict incrementally, and makes it easy to use advanced features such as rotating log files and email handlers. As you add and attach items, by default prelogging issues warnings when it encounters possible mistakes such as referencing nonexistent entities or redefining entities.

prelogging defines two classes which represent logging config dicts: a dict subclass LCDictBasic, and its subclass LCDict. (The diagram of classes shows all the classes in the prelogging package and their interrelations.) LCDictBasic provides the basic model of building a logging config dict; LCDict supplies additional conveniences — for example, formatter presets (predefined formatters), and easy access to advanced features such as filter creation and multiprocessing-safe rotating file handlers. The centerpiece of prelogging is the LCDict class.

You use the methods of these classes to add specifications of named Formatters, Handlers, Loggers, and optional Filters, together with containment relations between them. Once you’ve done so, calling the config() method of an LCDictBasic configures logging by passing itself, as a dict, to logging.config.dictConfig(). This call creates all the objects and linkages specified by the underlying dictionary.

Let’s see this in action, applied to our use case, and then further discuss how the prelogging classes operate.

Configuring our requirements using LCDict

Here’s how we might use LCDict to configure logging to satisfy our Configuration requirements:

from prelogging import LCDict

lcd = LCDict(root_level='DEBUG',
                formatter='msg',    # actually not needed

First we create an LCDict, which we call lcd — a logging config dict with root loglevel 'DEBUG'. An LCDict has a few attributes that aren’t part of the underlying dict, including the attach_handlers_to_root flag, which we set to True. The add_*_handler methods do just what you’d expect: each adds a subdictionary to lcd['handlers'] with the respective keys 'h_stderr' and 'h_file', and with key/value pairs given by the keyword parameters.

We’ve used a couple of prelogging’s formatter presets — 'msg' and 'logger_level_msg'. Because we pass the flag attach_handlers_to_root=True when creating lcd, every handler we add to lcd is (by default) automatically attached to the root logger. (You can override this default by passing add_to_root=False to any add_*_handler call.)


Configuring our requirements using LCDictBasic

It’s instructive to see how to achieve the example configuration using only LCDictBasic, foregoing the conveniences of LCDict. The code becomes just a little less terse. Now we have to add two formatters, and we must explicitly attach the two handlers to the root logger. We’ve commented those passages with # NEW:

from prelogging import LCDictBasic

lcd = LCDictBasic(root_level='DEBUG')

                format='%(name)-20s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s'


lcd.attach_root_handlers('h_stderr', 'h_file')



As the preceding example hopefully shows, prelogging offers an attractive way to configure logging, one that’s more straightforward, concise and easier on the eyes than the facilities provided by the logging package itself. The following chapters discuss basic organization and usage of LCDictBasic and LCDict. Later chapters present techniques and recipes showing how to use these classes to get more out of logging.